Armsale sõbrale ....To my dear friend
"Sõber, kas mäletad?"
Sõpradega koos on tehtud paljutki... Sellega seoses on selle nädala Kaia's Scrapbooking Fairy Tale ülesandeks "Armsale sõbrale!"
Minul valmis albumi esikaan, mis valmides peaks rõõmustama ühte kallist sõpra.
Kuna mu vanematel vedeleb saunas terve hunnik vanu raamatuid, mille saatuseks on lõke (suurema osa päästsin oma "raamaturiiulile", kuid kõik sinna ei mahtunud), siis turgatas pähe, ehk leian ma neile hoopis taaskasutuse käigus uue otstarbe. Nõnda läksid täna paar lehte minu töös paberlilleks ning ka tekstiks "Kas mäletad?"
Põhjaks kasutasin Unscipted Sketches #144
"Friend, do you remember?"
There are many memories with Friends ... In this context, this week's Kaia Scrapbooking Fairy Tale challange is "To my dear friend!".
I made the album cover, if completed it should be the joy for one precious friend.
Because my parents have a whole bunch of old books just lying in the sauna, and their destiny it to the bonfire, it came into my mind to re-use them and give them a new purpouse (most I have allready rescued into my "book shelf", but all could not fit in there). So today I used a few pages for my work - paper flower and the text "Do you remember?"
I used Unscripted Sketches #144
Terekest! Maailm on täis nii palju huvitavat, et iga päev saab midagi uut õppida. Meie suurimad õpetajad on lapsed. Meie peres kasvab kolm päiksekiirt, kolm suurt isiksust, tänu kellele on iga päev üks suur väljakutse ning seiklus. Lisaks lastele huvitun käsitööst, meisterdamisest ning paljust, paljust muust
This is beautiful Janika! The vine you have cleverly created with the hearts and string is fabulous. Great idea to incorporate pages from an old book into your flower. I love your interpretation of this week's sketch at Unscripted Sketches. Hope to see you next week...another great sketch coming up!
VastaKustutaSo pretty and some of my favorite colors. Very nice doing an album vs. a card. Thanks for joining us this week at Unscripted Sketches.
VastaKustutayour card is beautiful!
VastaKustutaBeautiful card! Thanks for playing at Unscripted Sketches!
VastaKustutaI love your flower, nice use of that Unscripted sketch.
VastaKustutaGorgeous card, Janika! LOVE that flower! Thanks so much for playing at Unscripted Sketches with us this week!!!!